Monday, 14 December 2015


"Wine tasting is not the same as drinking it. To experience the true flavour of wine it requires you to slow down and pay attention to your senses of sight, smell, touch, as well as taste. Remember - There are no right or wrong descriptions of how a wine tastes or smells. Don't rush the tasting experience."

For my infographics it was a bit of a pain to start with. I was unsure how to give instructions when drinking wine. I mean you put it in a glass and drink it (is the glass even needed?) but, after further research I found a variety of different examples. A very long list of different ways in which you drink wine and how it effects the taste! So I composed an 8 step sheet on how to taste wine.  
I started off with just a basic dark red and cracked on with the information part of the information sheet. I just did it quickly to start the whole thing off and get going with it but I found some aspects I do like. For example, the words wine written in the glass were originally going to be typed not just written with a drawing pen quickly on illustrator. 
I tried out different colours and asked a few members of my class to give a little insight into there opinion, as some of not the majority are included within my target audience. A few options were available, not just colour, but also with or without graphics and a signature of the wines label to link them together etc.  

I decided on three separate wine info graphics for each of the wine boxes I am producing i.e red, white, rose. The same as I've done with the ads and everything else, like each product has it's own mini matching selection. The colours are actually selected to be as close as possible to the box it needs to match. To do this I used the tool to pick the colour I wanted off the packaging and then placed that on the infographics. 


After getting the basic layout and colour down I thought it best to crack on with the text. I originally had just written the label freehand and did quite like it. But I wanted it all to fit in with my packaging. Therefore I wrote it all out using the text available on illustrator, changing the height and spacing of the text to fit the logo. With this I also changed the numbering throughout the info graphics because it didn't match well enough to the text. 

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