Thursday, 11 February 2016

How to present final piece

For the final piece I would like my canvas to be hung. I would like the wall to be plain white or perhaps have a plain drape behind it if there isn't a wall space big enough. I don't want the string visible because I'd like to give it the effect of floating. It is a fairly large canvas so using string that isn't visible might be slightly difficult. If the final piece doesn't have to be inside then it might be interesting to have it outside in a natural setting. Where it will stand out a lot more, the bright white contrasting against the natural greens, Browns, yellows and the green on the canvas mixing well with the natural colours and making it fit well as a stand alone piece. 

My first thought was in this area at the back of our building because the metal rings would be perfect to hang my canvas off. 

I noticed this recess down the side of the building that you don't see straight away until you walk down and past the spot. 
It's a fairly large space and is very empty. Although the wall isn't what I wanted to display outside I like that the ground is covered in moss and contrasts against the grey wall. 

Finally, this section in our garden area is interesting because no one uses it or goes in there?... I'm unsure for the reason why but I think the canvas would really stand out against the brick and industrial looking surroundings. It would definitely be eye catching. 

Here is where an art piece was originally stood up and over the time and strong weather conditions it's been nocked over and beaten almost. It's deconstructed over a period of time but is still a strong piece. Although I don't know the original reason for the piece I think that nature taking over it has given it a new meaning. 

Finally this area. The black lines might just be the perfect width for my piece to be placed between. Which gives it a different outcome to my original idea of putting it outside but if it fits perfectly it might be an interesting idea. It will definitely stand out and the reason I wanted the piece floating is because you can see the paint through the back of my canvas and i feel that that is apart of the final piece. If you've watched my video in the dark room with the light behind the canvas I think on a dull day it might work as well (and being in Worksop there's a lot of dull days) the light is just the light from an iPhone. If I were to place it here I'd write on a small plaque that says use your iPhone on the other side and watch. Then a stand alone piece that was originally 2D, has become 3D and then it's almost an ongoing performance piece as well! 

Unfortunately due to the weather I presented my piece finally against a white back drop BUT if the weather was dry I would definitely put it outside (I kept it inside just for viewing purposes for today). 

Although I like it against the white background I did want it to be hanging outside where it became almost an ongoing performance piece. I really liked the video in the dark room with my light moving behind it. 
If I were able I would like for a mechanical arm that just moved the light constantly behind the piece placed in a dark area. But working with what I've got it looks fine against the white background. 

As its my presentation I decided just to put the piece outside. I like the fact that outside if the rain washes the paint away then it's a very natural sculpture that will decay almost into nature. It won't last as long as other sculptures when nature takes its course but it just makes it more metamorphosised I think.  I decided to use the black bars which were almost a perfect fit for my canvas but I liked that it was a little wide. It gave me enough space to make the canvas a little lose so it could move with the weather eg. The wind. The White really stands out against the dull industrial background but the hints of trees and nature brings it back to the metamorphosis. 

Hopefully for the next project (FMP) I will extend this research and continue with it as I've very much enjoyed doing body prints. 

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