Saturday, 6 February 2016

Body printing

Body printing! Originally inspired by Yves Klein. I chose to go down a different colour route so as not to be to similar to Kleins work. But still went for bold colours. Experimentation consisted of asking members of the class who would mind being painted, after I got some lovely assistants I painted them up and printed. You'll see above I used a few different mediums to print on, glasses (window), paper and fabric. I actually loved how all my prints turned out! Some obviously turned out better than others. 
But nevertheless I'm happy. With the theme metamorphosis in mind I tried to create some abstract looking prints, with the body part being moved or dragged to make it look like it had metamorphosized into what it was. 
You'll also see the wet wipes I used to help clean the wonderful Emma's face after printing off the glass. Obviously printing on someone's face with paint you have to be very careful, keeping the paint away from the eyes and from there accidentally swallowing any I supposed. The key is to obviously keep the paint as far away from the eyes as you can. I think the wet wipes actually work as a piece themselves and that's why I've kept them. I might later use them in a piece or keep them to be there own. 
The face prints on the glass are my favourite, I'm not sure if it's the faces themselves or the fact that the background isn't just plain white but that it's always changing and bright and messy. 

Here are some close ups of the prints on the glass. I'm actually chuffed with the outcome, while it was wet I pushed fabric over the top to get the print on another form and when I removed it it left these lovely little patterns. They remind me of a floral pattern which again fits with the metamorphosis theme. 

After loving my faces on the glass I also decided to print a foot! This is without fabric, just the impression left from the print of my foot! Which I loved I think they look like little leaves! Super pretty. What I like about the prints is they're all individual, each one will be different for different people. For each person the impression left won't change for that individual person. 

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