Wednesday 29 June 2016

fmp review

For my final exhibition I decided on an enclosed L shape position where you could walk through. I made the whole thing a dark room by blacking it out with black curtains so when the slide show was playing with poetry on it would be easily visible. 
Upon entry I wanted to make it a little difficult to walk through so I decided to hang my work and a couple balloons. The difficulty I thought because the illustrations were so simple and a drawing on a sheet of paper isn't intrusive I wanted the complete opposite by way of hanging. The balloons added to the focus of the images and made it more visible as you walked through them. 
After walking through the hangings I placed bean bags down so the enclosed space became an area to sit and relax and read and really take in its surroundings. I placed poetry and art books in the corner which you could flick through at your leisure as the projection was playing. On the projection I specifically chose m favourite poems I had been working with when illustrating and played them on a loop with soft music in the background. I often chose Oh Wonder to play as there music best fitted the atmosphere. 
Banking left and leaving the enclosure left you with two canvases. Each with illustrations I'd previously drawn and either had the most reaction to or my own favourite. I placed them on either wall for symmetry. The canvases just tied the enclosed space together as you left. 
I feel like I did kind of make up my space as I went a long, which is fine because I'm happy with the outcome but I think with a little more thought I could of made it better. For example in the black curtains over the top I would of liked stringed fairy lights. I would of preferred more bean bags to make it that bit more comfortable. I would of printed the first images you saw on something different as I don't think they were strong enough for something that is the first thing you see. 

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