Thursday 26 May 2016

1916 - unfinished notes

dada - art history - anti-art movement
world war 1 - social history


The artist Hans Arp wrote "Revolted by the butchery of the 1914 World War, we in Zurich devoted ourselves to the arts. While the guns rumbled in the distance, we sang, painted, made collages and wrote poems with all our might."
DaDa artists protested against the barbarism of World War I, they believed the bourgeois interests (that DaDa adherents to) inspired the war. It is said that the DaDa artists concluded that logic and rigidity had led people to war and to save yourself from war you had to embrace the complete opposite, anarchy and irrationality.
Along with the DaDa artists being anti-war they were also very anti-bourgeois. Belonging to bourgeois meant you were middle class typically perceived as materialistic or with conventional attitudes.
DaDa decided he was no longer creating art, it was "anti-art". Dada represented the opposite of everything which art stood for, traditional art was all about the aesthetics but Dads ignored aesthetics. He intended to offend.
Pablo Picasso and Georges Braques discovered the collage technique and it was the dadaists that further developed this technique. Like the cubists, Dada artists pasted papers, fabric and other two dimensional materials to their work. They broke down the barrier between art and everyday life.

transition from dada to surrealism
(salvador dali)
manifesto of surrealism - founder andre breton

exquisite corpse

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